
Bonkers Builders Green Plan: Sustainability Vision and Practices

Vision Statement

At Bonkers Builders, our vision for sustainability is to lead by example in the Canadian creative industries by implementing comprehensive green practices that minimize our environmental impact. We believe in the power of creative innovation to drive positive change and are committed to fostering an eco-friendly work culture, optimizing resources, and contributing to a healthier planet.


We are driven by the belief that innovation and environmental stewardship go hand in hand, and we strive to embed these principles into every facet of our operations. Our dedication to reducing our environmental footprint reflects a profound respect for our planet and a sense of responsibility toward future generations. We value creativity as a catalyst for positive change, understanding that our efforts to minimize waste, conserve resources, and promote eco-friendly practices not only enhance our business but also contribute to the greater good.

Steps We Are Undertaking

  1. Remote Work Policy
    • Remote Work is encouraged: Employees are encouraged to work remotely whenever possible. This reduces the need for commuting and minimizes the environmental impact associated with daily travel.
    • Home Office: Employees are encouraged to set up efficient and eco-friendly home office environments, including guidance on energy-saving practices and sustainable equipment.
    • Virtual Collaboration Tools: We utilize advanced virtual collaboration tools to facilitate effective communication and teamwork among remote employees, ensuring that remote work does not hinder productivity.
  2. Eco-Friendly Facilities
    • We only use facilities that are eco-certified, and Implement energy-efficient systems, waste management, water conservation measures, and other sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact.
  3. Travel Policy:
    • Public Transportation, Cycling, and Carpooling: Employees are encouraged to use greener transportation options for any required travel.
    • Minimized Air Travel: Air travel is only used when absolutely necessary. We prioritize ground transportation and virtual meetings to reduce our travel footprint.
  4. Fully Digital Production:
    • No Physical Sets or Props: All production elements are digital, eliminating the need for physical materials and transportation.
    • Energy-Efficient Technology: We use energy-efficient software and hardware to support our digital workflows.
  5. Paperless Operations:
    • Digital Documentation: All documentation, contracts, and communications are handled digitally to reduce paper waste.
    • Electronic Signatures: We utilize electronic signatures and digital forms to eliminate the need for paper-based approvals.
  6. Transparency and Community Engagement:
    • Green Plan Publication: This green plan is available on our website for public access, promoting transparency and encouraging other companies to adopt similar practices.
    • Community Involvement: We encourage communication with local communities and industry groups to share our experiences and advocate for sustainable practices.
  7. Employee Pledge: Employees are asked to pledge their commitment to this Green Plan, actively supporting and adhering to our sustainability practices in their daily work to contribute to our collective environmental goals.

About Bayview Yards

We utilize Invest Ottawa’s LEED-certified office space for essential meetings. The building’s features include:

  • Recycling programs
  • UV light air purification
  • Real-time energy monitoring
  • LED lighting
  • Low-water-use restrooms
  • Community gardens
  • Indoor modular vertical framing
  • In-house composting
  • Green roof
  • Car sharing (Communauto)
  • Green cleaning products
  • Deterring of single-use plastics
  • Solar panels
  • Bicycle room